"...the force from somewhere which commands you to write in the first place gives you no other choice. You take up the pen when you are told, and write what is commanded. There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you."
Zora Neale Hurston

Monday, January 03, 2011

New Dawn, New Day, New Life

As is customary in a new year, I have promised the Universe a "new" me. New is the abridged description for the self-directed evolutionary process of maturing that I embrace annually to distinguish my past fuck-ups and their repercussions from present decisions and hopefully positive outcomes. It seems its always easier to claim the proverbial "do-over" when there is a time landmark from which we can launch into the new by jettisoning away from the unsucessful/painful/tiring old.
Yet I don't wish to distance myself from the past. I embrace it and the lessons that it has taught me. I aim to build on it, not erase it (after of course deleting the previous postings from this blog that I started back in 2005).
I make no grand proclamations here. I simply will write daily as a writer must...as I have previously neglected. Change stems from within and sprouts outward.

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