"...the force from somewhere which commands you to write in the first place gives you no other choice. You take up the pen when you are told, and write what is commanded. There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you."
Zora Neale Hurston

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I Agree (to my slain giants and amazons)

I Agree

(dedicated to the memories of all of the slain boys and girls who may really have been giants and amazons)

I want to agree
With that fear of Black skin / as weapon
Such that unarmed teens are slaughtered
In American streets for centuries /
For today
When a murdering officer claims that
His Unarmed target was superhuman/
And that his bullets just bounced right off that Boy/
I want to think that maybe he was right to be afraid of that Boy
That Superhuman black boy
That Iron Man of a black boy
That titanium-skinned black boy
I want to agree.

I want to agree

With that sentiment that Black-women/
Need to be more careful with all their
When Black-girls are grabbed / raped
Because assailants just couldn’t control themselves/
It might just be our own fault
We got that Sookie Stackhouse fairy blood/
Them Jezebel hips / that Isis fire
We are the origins of the Medusa
Raped by the gods (the small ‘g’ gods that are men)
Yes, even by our OWN men
From Cosby to Kelly, Cee-Lo to the fake Rick Ross
Because they cannot control themselves
They call us Monster
Claim our gaze turns men to stone /
How else can they purport to not feel anything
As they violate us / subdue us with drugs
They cannot control themselves because
We are so fucking desirable
I want to agree

I want to tell our children that
They are hunted down and murdered

For being X-Men
Everyone wants to be one of the X-Men
But no one wants to be ex’d /
Marked / Targeted
No professor X / just Malcolm’s
By Any Means Necessary
Like the X-Files/
I Want to Believe
That we are the chosen people
We are the sleeping giant
And we should be feared
They should be afraid.
I’m inclined to agree.

M. Shelly Conner


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